Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How to make your CV better in 5 minutes

How to make your CV better in 5 minutes So here’s the 5 easiest ways to improve your CV in 5 minutes! Curriculum Vitae (Photo credit: the Italian voice) When you’re job hunting it can be a struggle sometimes if you’re not getting any responses and you’re finding it hard to understand why. Usually when this happens it’s down to two things â€" either your CV isn’t selling you properly, or your experience isn’t up to scratch. Experience is something I can’t help with unfortunately â€" but I can (and will) help you fix your CV. Most people make 5 common mistakes on their CV â€" which only need take a minute each to amend. So here’s the 5 easiest ways to improve your CV in 5 minutes! Choose a decent font The easiest way to make someone throw your CV to one side is by having a a weird font. People who look through 20 CVs a day â€" want to be able to look through you information without getting a headache. Ariel is a great font as is Calibri or Helvetica. Try and stay clear of Times New Roman as it is one of the most common fonts used on CVs and will probably just blend you in. Don’t go over 2 x A4 pages in length If you CV is over 2 A4 pages â€" something is wrong. You CV should be a summary and an example of what you’ve done and what skills you have â€" it shouldn’t be your life story! If you can, I’d heavily advise you to cut the CV down to 2 pages â€" it makes your CV look cleaner and more concise too. Don’t have a photo of yourself on there Unless you’re a model (or unless the company have specifically stated you must include a photograph), then don’t put one in there. Some employers see the inclusion of photographs as a sign of vanity or unprofessionalism so just keep it out of there â€" it’s not necessary. Photographs also take up valuable room on your CV â€" space which could be used telling them how great you are. Format it well Take a step back from your CV and look at the layout and format of it… does it look well presented, clean and simple? This is what you want. If it looks messy, over-crowded and hard to navigate, then the person reading it will most likely toss it onto the “no” pile. Look at it like you’ve never seen it before, is it visually interesting? Would you want to take the time and read it. Include a great cover letter A cover letter is an instrumental part of any CV and you should always tailor these specifically to the job you’re interest in and applying for. Cover letters should be short, personable and grab the employers attention. Tell a joke, tell a quick story or just tell them what you’re most proud of. Your cover letter is your chance to show your personality and to properly introduce yourself â€" as often, a CV can’t do this properly. Make the most of it and really grab their attention. If they love your cover letter, they’re more likely to read your CV and call you in for an interview.

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