Tuesday, December 31, 2019

6 ways, backed by research, to be lazy and get more done

6 ways, backed by research, to be lazy and get mora done6 ways, backed by research, to be lazy and get mora doneIve written about how people at the top of their field arerelentlessly productive.But you cant sprint for miles.Theres plenty of research showing that being a touch lazy might be beneficial at times.Here are six research-backed ways to get more done in less time by taking it easy.1. Work lessWorking too hard for too long makes you less productive.Yes, pulling 60-hour weeks is impressive.But pull them for more than 2 months andyou accomplishlessthan if you had only been working 40-hour weeks.ViaScarcity Why Having Too Little Means So MuchOne study, on construction projects, found that where a work schedule of 60 or more hours per week is continued longer than about two months, the cumulative effect of decreased productivity will cause a delay in the completion date beyond that which could have been realized with the same crew size on a 40-hour week.(The best system for time management ishere.)2. Go homeIf youre doing creative work, research says youll be more productive at homethan in the officeOn the uncreative tasks, people were 6% to 10% less productive outside the labOn the creative tasks, by contrast, people were 11% to 20% more productive outside the lab.(More on what boosts creativityhere.)3. Take a napNaps rejuvenate you and increase learning.Some of the most successful people of all time were dedicated nappers.Via Daniel CoylesThe Little Book of Talent 52 Tips for Improving Your SkillsNapping is common in talent hotbeds, and features both anecdotal and scientific justification.The anecdotal Albert Einstein was good at physics, and he was really good at his daily post-lunch twenty-minute snooze. Other famous nappers includeLeonardo da Vinci, Napoleon Bonaparte, Winston Churchill, Thomas Edison, Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy, and John D. Rockefeller.Spend time with any professional athletic team, and youll find that theyre also professional nap pers.The science Napping is good for the learning brain, because it helps strengthen the connections formed during practice and prepare the brain for the next session.Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, found that napping for ninety minutes improved memory scores by 10 percent, while skipping a nap made them decline by 10 percent.You need sleep before learning, to prepare your brain, like a dry sponge, to absorb new information, said the studys lead investigator, Dr. Matthew Walker.What you can learn about good sleep from astronauts ishere.4. ProcrastinateYes, thats right,procrastination can be agoodthing.Dr. John Perry, author ofThe Art of Procrastination, explains a good method for leveraging your lazinessThe key to productivity, he argues in The Art of Procrastination, is to makemorecommitments - but to be methodical about it.At the top of your to-do list, put a couple of daunting, if not impossible, tasks that are vaguely important-sounding (but really arent) and seem to have deadlines (but really dont). Then, farther down the list, include some doable tasks that really matter.Doing these tasks becomes a way of not doing the things higher up on the list,Dr. Perry writes.A similar tip is described by Piers Steel, author ofThe Procrastination EquationMy best trick is to play my projects off against each other, procrastinating on one by working on another.Dr. Steel says its based on sound principles of behavioral psychologyWe are willing to pursue any vile task as long as it allows us to avoid something worse.(Heres more on positive procrastination.)5. Go on vacationFor up to a month after a vacation youremore productive at workOne hundred and thirty-one teachers completed questionnaires one time before and three times after vacationing. Results indicated that teacherswork engagement significantly increased and teachers burnout significantly decreased after vacation. However, these beneficial effects faded out within one month.(Heres how t oimprove your vacations.)6. Hang out with friendsEasily distracted?Having friends around can make you more productive, even if theyre not helping you.ViaFriendfluence The Surprising Ways Friends Make Us Who We AreJust having friends nearby can push you toward productivity.Theres a concept in ADHD treatment called the body double, says David Nowell, Ph.D., a clinical neuropsychologist from Worcester, Massachusetts. Distractable people get more done when there is someone else there, even if he isnt coaching or assisting them. If youre facing a task that is dull or difficult, such as cleaning out your closets or pulling together your receipts for tax time, get a friend to be your body double.Join 320,000 readers.Get a free weekly update via emailhereThis column first appeared at Barking Up the Wrong Tree

Friday, December 27, 2019

National Airspace System Technology and Centers

National Airspace System Technology and CentersNational Airspace System Technology and CentersThe national airspace system (NAS) was created at the dawn of commercial aviation to get aircraft from point A to point B in a panzerschrank and efficient manner. Its an old system, but its worked for us since World War II. In fact, the United States has the safest skies in the world with respect to air transportation. There are around 7,000 aircraft in the sky above America at once, according to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). This number is expected to only increase over the next 15 years, and it continues to get mora difficult to fit all these aircraft into our current airspace structure. The FAAs Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) promises to transform the current airspace system to optimize the use of airspace, reduce emissions, save fuel and decrease flight delays. Until NextGen is fully implemented, though, our current airspace system will have to suffice. Airspace The FAA classifies airspace in one of four categories Controlled airspace the airspace around busy airports, along with aircraft routes, and above 18,000 feet. The FAA further divides this airspace in classes A, B, C, D and E airspace, each having different dimensions and rules.Uncontrolled airspace any airspace that isnt controlled.Special-use airspace restricted, prohibited, warning and alert areas, as well as military operations areas (MOAs).Other airspace airspace used for temporary flight restrictions. Air Traffic Control Centers The NAS involves more than just the control tower at your local airport. On a typical flight, a pilot will communicate with controllers at each of the following places ARTCC - The airspace over the United States is divided into 22 regional sectors, each controlled by an Air Route Traffic Control Center, or ARTCC. As a flight crosses the boundary from one ARTCC region to another, the air besucherzahlen controller transfers the communica tion responsibility for that flight to the ARTCC controller in the next region.TRACON- Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) is known simply as approach to pilots. When an aircraft gets close to an airport, the ARTCC controllers will transfer the communications to a TRACON controller, who will assist the aircraft for the arrival portion of its flight. ATCT- Controllers in the local air traffic control tower (ATCT) are responsible for aircraft in the associated airports traffic pattern. Once the aircraft enters the local airport traffic pattern area, it is handed off to the ATCT, where the controllers will oversee its final approach and landing. Ground controllers are also a part of the ATCT, supervising taxi and gate operations.FSS- There are currently six flight service stations (FSS) in operation. Flight service specialists assist pilots with preflight planning, weather briefings, and other information pertinent to a pilots route of flight. Technology In addition to the ma ny different technologies that have been in use for years, the aviation industry is continuously developing new technologies to make the system more efficient, easier and safer for pilots and controllers. Here are just a few of them Radar- Currently, the NAS relies heavily on ground-based radargert systems to run smoothly. The ground radar emits radio waves, which reflect off aircraft. The signal from the aircraft is then interpreted and sent digitally to computer screens at the ARTCC, TRACON or ATCT.Standard radios- Pilots and controllers communicate directly with VHF (very high frequency) and UHF (ultra-high frequency) radios.CPDLC- Controller Pilot Data Link Communications, as the name implies, is a method for controllers and pilots to communicate via a data link. This type of communication is convenient where radios are not available and also decreases radio congestion. GPS- A type of navigational aid, the Global Positioning System is aviations most accurate and most popular mea ns of air navigation and the bread and butter of the NextGen program.ADS-B- In recent years, a system called ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast) has become popular as a means to assist pilots and controllers in gaining a more accurate picture of air traffic, weather, and terrain during a flight. The Next Generation Air Transportation System Our current air traffic system gets airplanes where they need to go in a safe and organized manner, utilizing technology both old and new. While our current national airspace system has worked well for many years, it is hardly optimal for the volume of air traffic in our skies today. We are seeing more crowded runways, airport delays, wasted fuel and lost revenues than ever before. Theres hope, though the NextGen program is meant to improve upon the current NAS by finding methods to deal with the increased traffic and improve the overall system.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

NASAs Mars Ice Challenge Heats Up

NASAs Mars Ice Challenge Heats Up NASAs Mars Ice Challenge Heats Up NASAs Mars Ice Challenge Heats UpSo you want to go to Mars? So does NASA, but they could use some help, and recently, they received it in the form of the 10 student teams that signed up to compete in NASAs Mars Ice Challenge.With the surface of Mars largely covered in ice, it is clear that drilling through that ice will be a major challenge for future colonists, astronauts, and others if they want to obtain water for all of its obvious benefits. Accordingly, the competition consisted of teams competing at simulated Martian ice stations set up in Langleys research aircraft hangar. Layers of material and solid blocks of ice made up each station, and students were asked to design and build their own equipment in order to drill.Its a year-long process but if youre one of the universities picked, its two water extraction days in competition and a paper and a poster also make up your score, says Ben Zinser, who had just fi nished his sophomora year as a mechanical engineering major when he competed with first-place winner Northeastern University. Theyre trying to simulate a situation where there is about half of a m of ice to get through thats overburdened with a mixture of clay, silt, and sand, and underneath is ice.Northeastern engineering students, winners of NASAs 2018 Mars Ice Challenge, with professor Taskin Padir (left). Image NASA Langley / David C. BowmanThroughout the year, students write a series of proposals and explain their designs as part of the overall process, says Zinser. We used SolidWorks to help with the first part, he says. As you progress, you would later get $5,000 to begin building your system, later you write a mid-point paper on progress, and then $5,000 more comes later.In the end, the pool of applicants welches whittled down tenteams for the June 5-7 final competition held at the Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA.For You Top 10 Space Missions Set to Explore New Fronti ersZinsers team definitely felt the heat as the competition neared but had the benefit of a summer term to do significant test runs. We used concrete cylinders and filled a bag with water. We put chunks of cylinders with a sack of dirt above it, trying to simulate the best we could what the competition would be like, he says.Arriving at Langley Research Center, Zinser says you quickly realize this isnt really about where you finish or place and more about a community of engineers that have a common goal. All these teams have been at it all year, he says. Youre excited that youll get to talk with them and learn what they did and youre around all these people who have this same interest.The most suspenseful part of the competition for the Northeastern team was the water extraction segment of the competition. Their strategy employed a two-tool system. One tool was an augur that drilled through the dirt and then we would insert an extractor through the hole which was essentially a tube, he says. At the tip of the tube was aluminum and we put resistors in. Getting very hot, they melted the ice at the bottom of the hole and we ultimately saw water get to the surface.In the end they were successful but there were many anxious moments along the way. You have to remember that our team tried to be one of the final teams picked last year and we didnt even make it, he says. We waited, waited. And then came a single drop of water, Just a single drop at first. But, when we saw it, we let out a cheer. That single drop was one of the best moments Ive ever been a part of.They would end up with 1,370 milliliters of water extracted the first day, Zinser says, the most of any team, and 1,839 milliliters the second day, when the competition dictated they use remote control, he says. The teams scores for their paper and poster were also tops, enough to make them this years champions, an honor that was very gratifying.But another reward was to come.After the competition, NASA had al l the teams in a big lecture hall for a discussion and you just get a great feeling from the bond you have with the other students trying to do something that no else has done, he says. No one has been to Mars and NASA genuinely is looking for your ideas, not just to have a competition for schools. Theyre taking you seriously and all the teams took each other seriously. You just felt something special being in that hall.Eric Butterman is independent writer.Read MoreA Cheap Way to Convert Vapor into Fresh Drinking WaterWhats It Like for an Engineer to Work at a StartupThe Great Ocean Cleanup Begins For Further DiscussionNo one has been to Mars and NASA genuinely is looking for your ideas, not just to have a competition for schools. Ben Zinser, Northeastern University

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How to Get a Job at Google, Part 2

How to Get a Job at Google, Part 2 How to Get a Job at Google, Part 2 Heres part two of the excellent New York Times interviewwith Lazlo Block whos in charge of all hiring at Google. (Part one of the article can be found here.).The whole thing is great but I particularly liked Lazlos observations on resumes, as he echoes what we preach.Prospective bosses today care less about what you know or where you learned it than what value you can create with what you know The key is to frame your strengths as I accomplished X, relative to Y, by doing Z. Most people would write a rsum like this Wrote editorials for The New York Times. Better would be to say Had 50 op-eds published compared to average of 6 by most op-ed writers as a result of providing deep insight into the following area for three years. Most people dont put the right content on their rsums.Google is known for its eccentric hiring practices but, in this, they are no different to any other company. Employers want specifics, bec ause its the details that tell them exactly what youve achieved, and therefore what they can expect in the future.And think about Lazlos words most people dont put the right content on their resumes. This gives you a HUGE opportunity, because if your resume starts with a powerful summary and contains action-packed and detailed bullet points, youll be head and shoulders above 90% of your competition.Time and time again we hear from our resume clients about how their job search was transformed once they started using their new resume. I also get frequent emails from people who bought my ebook on resume writing. Heres one example, from Anna in San FranciscoIt has been over a year since I had an interview. I reworked my resume after buying your book and Im writing to thank you, because Im currently prepping for two interviews TWO I think the secret to my success was your advice about getting into specifics I had never done that before but, following your formula, I now have two intervi ews (Did I mention that I have TWO?). Thank you so muchThe secret is knowing how to demonstrate that you can add what Lazlo calls the value you can create with what you know. If youre interested in mora detail, check out our free resume writing course. Youll be amazed at the transformation you can make whether or not you want to work at Google

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Sample Government Resume 1 Sample

Customize this Outstanding Sample Government Resume 1 SampleCustomize this Outstanding Sample Government Resume 1 SampleSample Government ResumeCreate Resume EDUCATIONXYZ University, Hopedale, NY Candidate for Bachelor of Arts, May 2000 Major Government 3.83 GPA Minor Business 3.87 GPA The Williams School, New London, CT High School Degree, June 1995 WORK EXPERIENCEMerrill Lynch And Co. Inc., New Haven CT, Summer 1999 Completed a rigorous internship working closely with retail and institutional brokers examining US markets and industries. Researched and analyzed equities, derivatives, and bonds utilizing Merrill Lynch computer systems.Hartford Superior Court, Hartford CT, Summer 1998 Conducted in-depth project studying daily flow within the courthouse including data collection and analysis utilizing Microsoft Excel. Participated in data correction and filing in both criminal and civil case flow offices.ACTIVITIES/SERVICESocial Integrity Board Chairman, XYZ University, Fall 1999 Pre sent Appointed by Student Government Association Executive Committee and confirmed by Student Senate as member of Social Integrity Board. Adjudicate and sanction students in violation of the XXX Student Codes of Conduct. Lead board members in delivering opinions and sanctions to students in hearings and written form. Conduct cases in close collaboration with Head of Residential Life and examine XXXs social policies and honor code.Student Speakers Bureau Member, XYZ University, Fall 1998 Present Allocate funds to various organizations throughout the XXX community to bring speakers to campus.COMPUTER SKILLSMicrosoft Office 2000Microsoft ExcelMicrosoft AccessPowerPointWordPerfectLotus 1-2-3I.E. 4.0 and Netscape 4.6Adobe PhotoShop 5.0HTML/Web PublishingCustomize Resume

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Executive Resume Samples 2018: No Longer a Mystery

Executive Resume Samples 2018 No Longer a Mystery A significant collection of action verbs are available here. Search for the ideal words describing what makes you valuable and distinctive. In your resume, you will need to highlight your abilities and accomplishments that are connected to the job youre applying. When youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to learn how to vary using action verbs and receive a feel for what makes a highly effective accomplishment statement. Top Choices of Executive Resume Samples 2018 Share your focus of direction, respectfully call out a few instances of succeeding, then invite them to find out more by taking a look at your resume. Besides executive resume writing tips sample, its also critical to understand what are the situations you will need to include and skip in your resume. Visual CV There is always likely to be another person that has the similar qualifications as you but not everybody will present it in a n identical way. If you need assistance writing your resume, its going to be our pleasure to help you.As a C-level executive, an on-line website provides you an opportunity to be noticed and supply your audience an opportunity to understand, like and trust you. In addition, there are a few handy ideas to help you craft a successful resume. The best method to make sure that youll be receiving an bewerbungsgesprch for the job which you want, youve got to customize it based on the work description. You should understand, that resume format is vital, since it can boost your odds to get invited for an interview. You can also try our online resume builder for more clarity on creating a smooth functioning executive resume. When reviewing different Professional Resume Writers, it is necessary to assess their samples to appraise the quality of work. All details in your resume ought to be aligned to what the employer is searching for, like accomplishments like act as an expert advisor . The absolute most hard step here is to determine which resume format is best for you. Executive Resume Samples 2018 at a Glance Below, you will locate a list of resume examples that may aid you with your work search. Then show you comprehend the work description. Just take a look at the work description, in case you have this, and customize your resume accordingly. Read the work description to identify what is most important. The Upside to Executive Resume Samples 2018 Since you may see, there are lots of varieties of cover letters, and theres no 1 approach to write it. The resume sample has a strong ability to keep a readers interest over the span of the full document. There is a broad number of sample templates that you may use for job hunting. Each resume format was made to improve your odds to find the job in 2018. Heres What I Know About Executive Resume Samples 2018 Thus, executive resume templates can supply you with updated ideas and contemporary trends when i t comes to writing executive resumes. In 7 minutes, you will understand how to compose a flawless manager resume. If you would like to be perceived as a manager, executive, or any different type of leader, you are in need of a strong CV to prove it. An excellent executive is aware of what he wants. A few vital pursuits or additional information might enable you to construct your credentials as an executive. In a place of leadership, like a manager or director, youre accountable for overseeing business operations and meeting goals together with leading teams of workers and gathering them around a central idea. At a first glance, you may think executive resumes as the exact same with the other sorts of resume. Deciding on the correct small business development executive isnt that easy. Definitions of Executive Resume Samples 2018 Plenty of job seekers even dont understand where to get started. The capability of good managers to delegate unique responsibilities to employees gi ves workers a feeling of worth, teamwork, drive, and the chance to learn new skills as each aim is met. Hiring managers are busy people and should they scan your resume and cant locate some information or skills fast you arent the one, whod secure a call today For HR resumes, for instance, it would like to hear about your best practices and how you manage to deal with different employees coming from diversified backgrounds. Applicants will need to compose a particular target audience because employers do not have a lot of time to read irrelevant info. Because employers wont understand how much they need you in their company till you let them know in the correct way. The employers would would like you to deliver excellent business growth strategies, projects, and several more.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Job interview question and answer What salary do you expect in this position

Job bewerberinterview question and answer What salary do you expect in this position Job interview question and answer What salary do you expect in this position?Posted October 13, 2011, by Andrea Riddell The mention of salary in a job interview is a delicate subject that can often leave both interviewer and interviewee squirming in their chairs. You should wait for the interviewer to broach this tricky matter first and give some indication without specifying an exact figure a salary range is better. You need to be realistic about your market value and there is a fine balance between overselling and underselling yourself and neither of these outcomes is desirable. If the job advertisement doesnt make mention of the pay, then you will need to do a little investigating of your own. Understand the position and the key responsibilities. Take into consideration whether it is full time, parte time, casual or contract, and whether you will be offered a package or a flat rate. Search for similar positions advertised on job boards and take note of the pay or salary package that accompanies each one. This will give you an idea of what to expect. When asked, your research will come in handy for you to state a salary range that you would not only expect from the company and the position, but also one you would be willing to accept. You may mention your current salary as a kind of benchmark, especially if youre applying for a similar role. While most people like to upgrade their salary with each new job, bear in mind that a new position will not necessarily warrant a pay rise. Convince the interviewer that although the pay is important, it is the job that you are most interested in. Instead of just shouting out the first figure that comes to mind, take the time to explain to them why they should pay premium dollar for your skills and experience. However, make sure you do this without convincing them that they actually cant afford you ResourcesMy first resumeCover lette r for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searcheshow to apply for aged care jobhealth educator interview questions and answersgreat communication skills job descriptionjob guarantee courses melbourneinterview questions for teachers CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineAndrea RiddellRelated ArticlesBrowse moreFuture trendsManufacturing activity on the riseThe manufacturing sector is off to a positive start this year with an increase in new orders and exports.Career counsellorHigh schoolLets talk about TAFETAFE is currently assessing how its seen in the community through the initiative, Lets talk about T AFE. We decided to look at the history of TAFE NSW to find out where it all started.Government study loansUniversityHECS-HELP Study now, pay laterEverything you need to know about the Australian governments HECS-HELP loan scheme.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sample Dress Code Policy for Business Attire

Sample Dress Code Policy for geschftlicher umgang AttireSample Dress Code Policy for Business AttireWant a simple, sample dress code policy that specifies geschftlicher umgang attire for work? You can use these sample dress code policies to tell employees how you expect them to dress for work. If you need a mora elaborate policy, you will want to take a look at the various geschftlicher umgang attire policies and illustrative business attire photo galleries that are highlighted below. Here are simple, sample business attire policies for formal business attire, business casual attire, and casual business attire. Use the recommended policy most appropriate for yur workplace. Formal Dress Code Policy Company Name expects employees to dress appropriately in business attire. Because our work environment sees frequent visits from customers, clients, and the public, professional business attire is essential for our reputation. The formality of our business attire makes clients and custo mers feel that they can trust our judgment and recommendations. Proper business attire for men includes suits, sports jackets, and pants that are typical of formal business attire at work. For women, business attire includes pant and skirt suits and sports jackets appropriate to a formal business attire environment. Employees are expected to demonstrate good judgment and professional taste. Courtesy of coworkers and your professional ansehen to clients should be the factors that are used to assess that you are dressing in business attire that is appropriate. We will deal with employees who wear business attire that is deemed inappropriate in this workplace on an individual basis rather than subjecting all employees to a more stringent dress code for appropriate business attire. Business Casual Dress Code Company Name expects employees to dress appropriately in business casual attire. Because our work environment serves customers, professional business casual attire is essential. Customers make decisions about the quality of our products and services based on their interaction with you. Consequently, business casual attire includes suits, pants, jackets, shirts, skirts and dresses that, while not formal, are appropriate for a business environment. Examples of appropriate business attire include a polo shirt with pressed khaki pants, a sweater and a shirt with corduroy pants, a jacket with a skirt or slacks and a blouse or a sweater with a skirt or pants. Pantsuits and sports jackets also fit the business casual work environment if they are not too formal. Jeans, t-shirts, shirts without collarsand footwear such as flip-flops, sneakers, and sandals are not appropriate for business casual attire. Employees are expected to demonstrate good judgment and professional taste. Use courtesy towards coworkers and your professional image to customers as the factors you use to assess whether you are dressing in business attire that is appropriate. Employees who wear bu siness attire that is deemed inappropriate in this workplace will be dealt with on an individual basis rather than subjecting all employees to a more stringent dress code for appropriate business attire. Casual Dress Code Company Name expects employees to dress appropriately in business attire of a casual nature. Our work environment for employees encourages employees to dress comfortably for work. Please do not wear anything that other employees might find offensive or that might make coworkers uncomfortable. It includes clothing with profane language statements or clothing that promotes causes that include, but are not limited to, politics, religion, sexuality, race, age, gender, and ethnicity. Our goal is to provide a workplace environment that is comfortable and inclusive for all employees. We expect that your business attire, although casual, will exhibit common sense and professionalism. Employees are expected to demonstrate good judgment and professional taste. Courtesy t owards coworkers and your professional image to coworkers are the factors you need to use to assess whether you are dressing in business attire that is appropriate. We will deal with employees who wear business attire that is inappropriate in this workplace on an individual basis rather than subjecting all employees to a more stringent dress code for appropriate business attire. Business Attire at Work These simple, sample dress code policies that specify business attire at work are provided as guides for your customized policy development. Depending on your workplace culture, you may not want more detailed policies. Since fewer policies, and more simple policies, are always encouraged whenever possible, these simple dress codes for business attire may serve you well. An acknowledgment form of the dress code may also be a useful tool for you to use. You are encouraged to use policies as guidelines for your many functional, contributing employees. The few that arent? Deal with th em individually rather than subjecting your entire workforce to detailed, stringent policies they dont need. Your employees will thank you since too often policies are put in place because of the actions of a few employees- not the appropriate behavior of the many. Please note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a worldwide audience, andemployment lawsand regulations vary from state to state and country to country. Please seek legal assistance, or assistance from State, Federal, or International governmental resources, to make certain your legal interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Entry Level Audio Visual Technicians Resume Template 2018s Top Format

Entry Level Audio Visual Technicians Resume Template 2018s Top FormatEntry Level Audio Visual Technicians Resume Template - 2018s Top FormatCreate ResumeElliot Malone100 Main Street, Cityplace, CA, 91019Cell (555) 322-7337 example-emailexample.comProfessional SummaryReliable worker with a willingness to learn. Im a great communicator and leid afraid to ask questions. I am as efficient when it comes to work and i will always double check my work to make sure its ok. I am a go getter and if a job is done, I will ask if there is anything else that you would like me to do. I am honest and not afraid to say whats on my mind. I am also reliable and flexible, if you ever needed me I would be there.SkillsInternet researchGood communication skillsFast learnerBasic computer skillsStrong team playerGeneral math skillsGood judgmentHard workingSelf motivatedDeterminedReliableHonestWork History07/2013 to CurrentLogistics Associate Old navy Huntington Beach, CAProvided outstanding customer ser vice.Accurately read, understood, and carried out written instructions.Unloaded pallets of boxesOrganized clothesInventory for the storePractice safety09/2012 to 05/2013Courtesy Clerk Whole foods market Newport Beach, CAProvided outstanding customer service.Accurately read, understood, and carried out written instructions.Followed company procedures to maintain work environment in a neat and orderly condition.Promoted store safety by working in a safe manner.Unloaded palletsStocked bagsStocked thermal paperFollowed standards and procedures to maintain safe work environment.Education2011High School Diploma Murrieta Valley High School Murrieta, CACustomize ResumeMore Construction Resume TemplatesAudio Visual Technicians Resume TemplatesExperienced Building Inspectors Resume Templates

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Develop an Effective Meeting Agenda

How to Develop an Effective Meeting AgendaHow to Develop an Effective Meeting AgendaA meeting agenda is a list of elements that participants hope to accomplish at a meeting. The agenda should be distributed in advance of a meeting, minimally 24 hours in advance so that participants have the opportunity to prepare for the meeting. Preferably, if possible, the agenda should be available several days before the meeting. Developing a Meeting Agenda First, identify whether other employees are needed to help you plan the meeting. Then, decide what you hope to accomplish by holding the meeting, and establish doable goals for your meeting. The goals you set will establish the framework for an effective meeting plan. Make certain that you have bedrngnis planned more than is reasonably achievable within the timeframe of your meeting. As Stephen Covey said in the The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Begin with the end in mind. Your meeting purpose will determine the meeting focus, the m eeting agenda, and the meeting participants. Then, consider how much time you expect to need for each agenda item. If the meeting is to last one hour and you have five agenda items, that gives you a general idea of the timeframe youre working with. It doesnt mean every agenda item must be precisely 12 minutes, but the five combined obviously cannot average more time than that. Decisions to Make After determining your overall goal, you or your gruppe need to make certain decisions. In addition to the purpose or goal of the meeting, also include with your agenda A date, time, and location for the meetingParticipants needed in the meetingItems for discussionThe amount of time that you anticipate the group will need to discuss each itemPre-work for the meeting. This will include any reading, documentation, data, meeting minutes from a prior meeting, or any other preparation that will make your actual meeting successful. Relevant documents should be attached to the meeting notice and agenda when you distribute them to invited participants. Identifying Participants Once you have decided that a meeting is necessary to accomplish your goal, you need to develop a list of participants. Not every employee can or should participate in every meeting, but inviting the right participants will enhance your likelihood of success. Determine your participants by asking yourself some questions Who must own the solution the group develops?Who owns the process the group is discussing?Who needs to know the information you are distributing?Who can provide data and facts to guide decision making?Who has experience or expertise to share with the group?Who must support the implementation of any solutions or tasks?Who must provide permission or resources to accomplish the meeting outcome?Who might oppose the implementation of any solutions or direction? Regularly Scheduled Meetings Not every meeting needs a custom developed agenda. Most employees have regularly scheduled meet ings for their departments or workgroups. You also have teams and projects in which you participate. An ongoing project may not require a newly developed agenda for every meeting, but your team will be well served by adopting a standard approach to your meeting. The regularly scheduled employee meeting is divided into three segments for which each has standard agenda items Informational Items Write out any agenda items that are informational for every meeting. For example, the manager updates the group on the outcomes of the senior management meeting.Action Items Place on the agenda any items that you expect the group will want to review at every regularly scheduled meeting. For example, performance to budget for the time period and the identification of cost savings and continuous improvements the group plans to achieve.Forward Planning Place on the agenda any items that the group wants to plan for or prepare for in advance. For example, the short-term goals for the next month or t he need for coworker assistance on upcoming assignments. If you follow these guidelines when you develop your meeting agenda, you enhance the probability that your meeting will be more productive. What to Include An agenda for a regularly scheduled meeting can help produce the results you seek by including some basic items Warm-up and greetings. Consider a brief ice breaker depending on how frequently the group meets.Review the meetings purpose, agenda, and expected outcomes and product.Review, correct (if necessary), and approve the minutes of the prior meeting.Provide appropriate departmental and company information that the team needs.Review progress on action items, action plans, and commitments. Review group progress on goals.Discuss and make decisions about the agenda items for this meeting.Identify next steps. Identify the purpose, outcome, and agenda for the next meeting.At the end of the meeting, the note taker should review the commitments made by people during the me eting.Identify any assistance needed from people not in the group and assign participants to make contact.Determine who outside of the meeting participants needs to know what and decide how you will accomplish the communication.Distribute minutes within 24 hours of the meeting or immediately if the note taker took them electronically.